
Time For a New Trophy


I love how everything changes when I see it through Zane’s eyes.  He came home with all of his goodies from the party at school and suddenly I remembered those days when Valentine’s Day was not a pain.  The days before I became cynical.



Teaching Twitter

I spent the afternoon with my friend Erin of Roll Up N Dye teaching her a little about Twitter.  She was nice enough to let me take her photo but she did hide a little.


Love Me Some Running Gear

I arrived home to a package from the head Idiot himself.  David Murphy at the Idiot’s Running Club has been a busy elf.  I love these new shirts.

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Poor Little Dude

Poor Little Dude

Zane went back to school today and had to go to the nurse’s office twice. First because he was nauseous (read this as didn’t want to be back at school after a week home on the couch). But the second one was a real boo-boo with blood and everything. Since he has gotten back home this moment right here is the only one in which I was able to finagle a smile.

New Kicks

New Kicks

Bright new shoes.

Saturday Afternoon Fun

Saturday Afternoon Fun

Spent Saturday afternoon raking and bagging leaves. Oh such a glamorous life I lead.

A Trainer Ride

Some days the best a mom can do is fit a workout in.  Today was one of those days. Zane has been home sick for five days.  No running for mommy but so happy to have a the bike at the ready.


Cutest Bookmark Ever

Zane made this at school. Now it graces the pages of Captain Underpants.

Zane made this at school. Now it graces the pages of Captain Underpants.

I Am Awesome

I Am Awesome

According to my six year old, I am awesome. The important thing is that I am loved. He brought this to me while I was on the trainer and the knowledge that I am loved and awesome was all it took to get through that ride.